Welcome to the Price Family Foundation, a foundation created to better the community of South Florida. Founded in 2016 by Jason Price, President of America’s Health Group Inc., and his father Steven Price, the Price Family Foundation hopes to help the South Florida area by providing aid to local charities and organizations within the area. The Price Family Foundation believes in the importance of supporting the community through local charities and hopes to see South Florida neighborhoods grow and thrive in the upcoming years.
As a life-long resident of South Florida, Price Family Foundation founder Jason Price possesses an in-depth understanding of the community’s most pressing issues and charitable needs. Some of the most common issues within the South Florida community stem from a lack of government and charitable funding to various organizations. Of these issues, the Price Family Foundation believes some of the most pressing to be special needs education, foster care adoption, and animal humane society funding. Local surveys have shown that over 22,500 Florida children are currently living without stable housing and access to quality education, over 320,000 children with disabilities in need of humanitarian services, and severe overpopulation of many South Florida animal shelters. Recognizing this, Jason Price and the Price Family Foundation hope to, in the near future, provide aid to various local charities that partner with these causes.
One of the most commonly reported reasons people do not frequently give to charities is that they do not know what charities use their donations appropriately.
While Price Family Foundation believes in supporting charities locally, nationally, and internationally, local charities often receive fewer donations than their national competitors, making them far more likely to close their doors. However, even with fewer donations, local charities frequently keep a smaller percentage of donations for their organization compared to national and international charities. To allow these small charities to continue to do their good work in the community, Price Family Foundation hopes to focus on these small local charities by offering both donations and media exposure.
In recent years, an unprecedented number of charities have appeared in the news due to inappropriate uses of donations. While this can take place in both small and international charities, Jason Price of America’s Health Group and the Price Family Foundation hope that these rare examples of irresponsible charities do not stop American families from donating or participating in charitable events. The Price Family Foundation takes great care when choosing the charities they support and ensures their funds are being appropriately allocated to different causes and at-need individuals. For those concerned about donating to an independent charity, there are many online resources that help individuals check the credibility of different charities. If you are unsure whether or not a charity is legitimate, you can use the following steps to ensure your donation is appropriately used:
Find Out If the Company is Tax Exempt
Unfortunately, there are a number of charities that are not honest about their donation process or are simply fraudulent. One of the easiest ways to find out whether or not a charity is legitimate is by researching whether or not they qualify as a “tax-exempt” organization with the IRS. You can request a copy of their IRS Form 990 form, otherwise known as the “Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax” form from the IRS. Or, individuals can request a copy of the organization’s Annual Report; however, this request will often take longer to process.
Research How the Company Will Use Your Donation
Every charity should have a mission statement or charter that informs the public of the charity’s goal and how they will use donations. Almost all legitimate charities will operate transparently and provide detailed accounts so how donations will be used. Additionally, some charities will allow donors to request how their funds will be allocated to certain causes. However, many serious charities publish reports showing how they spent their total expenses and on which charitable programs. Charities should be spending almost 95% of their donations on charitable programs. A great example of this is The American Red Cross, which in 2006 spent 95% of its total expenses on charitable programs, 2% on fundraising, and 3% on administration.
The Price Family Foundation not only hopes to support local Florida charities but also highlight the many benefits of giving to charity and encourage American’s across the country to donate to their local charities. Since childhood, Jason Price of America’s Health Group has been closely involved with local charities thanks to his father Steven Price’s teachings. Recognizing how this positive influence impacted his future charitable work, Jason Price hopes that the Price Family Foundation can encourage parents and their children to participate in charitable causes and strengthen their surrounding communities.
Sharing the experience of donating to charity with children not only teaches them empathy and compassion but that they can have a positive impact on the world. Children are naturally drawn to helping others, and nurturing this instinct will mean that children will be more likely to continue participating in charitable work and will likely grow up with an appreciation of what they have. Additionally, studies have found that people who donate to charity often influence the people in their lives to also become involved in charitable work. A person’s charitable donation often inspires family and friends, meaning one person’s act of kindness can draw in hundreds of additional donations or volunteers.
The mission of the Price Family Foundation is “Helping Good People Do Good Things.” Within the upcoming years, Price Family Foundation hopes to not only aid South Florida’s charity organizations but also to inspire other local residents within the community to do the same.